Min bogønskeliste er uendeligt lang, og der bliver hele tiden tilføjet flere og flere til den. Jeg vil derfor hver torsdag vise én bog(serie) frem, som jeg ønsker mig, så det måske kan give lidt inspiration til, hvilke bøger I kunne ønske jer.
Denne bog lyder simpelthen så sød. Forfatteren har fået rigtig meget ros – hvilket denne bog også har. Jeg er overbevist om, det er en letlæst bog, som jeg ville nyde hele vejen igennem. Samtidig tror jeg bare, det er sådan en god historie.
Bogen er denne gang Attachments af Rainbow Rowell
It’s 1999 and for the staff of one newspaper office, the internet is still a novelty. By day, two young women, Beth and Jennifer, spend their hours emailing each other, discussing in hilarious detail every aspect of their lives, from love troubles to family dramas. And by night, Lincoln, a shy, lonely IT guy spends his hours reading every exchange.
At first their emails offer a welcome diversion, but as Lincoln unwittingly becomes drawn into their lives, the more he reads, the more he finds himself falling for one of them. By the time Lincoln realizes just how head-over-heels he really is, it’s way too late to introduce himself. What would he say to her? ‘Hi, I’m the guy who reads your e-mails – and also, I think I love you’.
After a series of close encounters, Lincoln decides it’s time to muster the courage to follow his heart and find out whether there really is such a thing as love before first-sight.